Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Sunny Sunday Hanging with the Boys

Sunday - September 30, 2012

Thank you Peter Chang
Jonathan's back - what an absolute delight!  This guy is on an early schedule these days, arriving back from Arlington before 10 a.m. and planning to stay until tonight (if the Redskins lose) or tomorrow (if the Redskins win)  :)

It's a hangout day with football, Ryder Cup, homework, and sewing but first we checked out the new Chinese restaurant in town.  Joe and I have been a wee bit starved for authentic Chinese in Williamsburg and finally have a fresh, flavorful, Sichuan option in the newly opened Peter Chang restaurant downtown.  Apparently the rockstar-status Peter Chang has flown his line chefs in from Chengdu and it shows on the plates.  No gloppy msg-laden sauces with overcooked meat but tender, spicy, true-to-form Chinese fare.  Hallelujah!

I finished my disability application this morning and will be mailing off the supporting documentation tomorrow.  Disabled.  Not a word that I would have conceived of a year ago and now it seems completely appropriate.  Wow.  Can't believe it.  I am so fortunate to be in a partnership and a position where this word does not confer huge hardship.  I remain housed, fed, warm, and loved.  So I am "disabled" in terms of work but not in terms of life as a whole.  That is indeed a blessing.


Redskins' notch a win in the last seconds  ... so Jonathan is staying overnight  :)

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