Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Soaking up Some Sun

Wednesday - September 5, 2012

What a difference a sunny window makes!  Even in the hospital when I scrape out chunks of sleep among regular interruptions (saline bag change, chemo bag hang, blood draw, vitals), waking up to a glorious sunrise soothes my frayed nerves and sleep deficit.  Happily, all other chemo side effects are non-existent or fading.  The last muchositis lesion is healing over.  My finger neuropathy has eased considerably in the last week with the result that my vincristine infusions on this round's day #4 and day #11 (outpatient next week) will be back to full dose.  The tenderness / soreness from the last lumbar puncture lingers yet is manageable. No edema yet.  No nausea.  No vomiting.  I have LUCKED out!


Happy updates!  Smiling, laid-back Yvette is once again my day RN AND she has hustled up a bike for my room  :)

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