Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hanging with my Megan

Billiard light - slipcovered!
Tuesday - September 25, 2012

How great to be HOME and to be in a welcome interlude with nothing medical on the agenda  - that was yesterday and is tomorrow.  Today was spent finishing up loose ends before Megan's departure tomorrow afternoon back to Davis.  Sewing, packing up media mail, and some serious Tudor-era movie watching all made the cut.  We also managed a marvelous walk with the hounds all the way down to the dock on the York River.  This outing used to be a common daily treat.  I am absolutely intoxicated by the wide glassy expanse of the river and the complete solitude.  Now, it is a rare and precious occurrence.  How lucky I was to have the oomph to enjoy it with Megan in the late afternoon sunshine!  Fabulous!

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