Sunday, September 16, 2012

Stirred up on Steroids (?) + HAPPY Megan's home!

Sunday - September 16, 2012

Although my 3:30 a.m. wake-up (after only 4 hours sleep) can certainly be attributed to the effect of the start of my four-day course of dexamethasone, my mind is racing with yesterday's surprises and subsequent energy surges and may be the reason I am up and ready to go!

First, poor Megan has had a summer of travel challenges and did not make it home last night.  Her plane turned back to Sacramento to check out a mechanical issue and, with a four hour delay, she missed her connection.  The silver lining is that she spent last night with a good friend rather than in the airline-voucher hotel.  Megan will fly in (provided no future glitches) today before noon - yeah!

Second, a fever put me on edge for most of the day,  Ugh.  When it climbed to 100.2, I started to lose it thinking that hospitalization #11 loomed and that I would lose precious time with Megan and be sequestered during these glorious autumn days.  Joe calmed me down reminding me that I had successfully fought off a 100.2 temp in the past (but only once, I thought).  I hydrated like crazy, forced down some food, exerted no energy, and waited.  By mid-evening, the thermometer showed slightly reduced readings and I finally felt safe enough to crash in bed just before midnight.  Victory ... but my adrenalin had gone through the roof and - all in all - it was a pretty rough afternoon and evening, so much stress ....

View of the lake and Queens Creek marsh... skip the interior then ...
,,, the view of the marina and Queens Creek access to the York 
Third, Joe and I may - or may NOT - have lost our minds.  Joe has continued to keep his eye on waterfront properties since we bought our cheery, sun-filled, LOVELY, perfect-for-us home in the Kingsmill area of Williamsburg.  We are currently renting out this new house while we live in military housing close to Joe's job.  This week, Joe found a new listing in a previously-explored area with remarkably expansive water views of Queens Lake, Queens Creek, and a direct line of site out to the York River.  Out of the 3 dozen plus (?) waterfront houses and lots that we have seen over the last three years, we agree that this house has the best waterview, visible from every room in the home.  Hard to resist.  It also checks our other boxes in terms of one-floor living, mature trees, little lawn, and being completely sun-drenched and not-too-big.  We toured it yesterday morning and yes, it is a total and complete gut job but that in and of itself also holds strong appeal.  What to do?  We absolutely love our ready-to-move-into Kingsmill house with its terrific neighborhood, ultimate privacy, and short walk to the James River BUT... those multiple Queens Lake water views ... the sunny interiors and good bones of the gut job ... the thrill of the personalization ... our minds are racing!  I awoke at 3:30 thinking of interior ceiling lines and (of course) skylights and gables to bring in even more light.  Hmmm ....  What do you do when you are in the midst of cancer treatment?  Take on a full renovation?


Unbelievably, I am still functional and somewhat alert as the sun sets.  Megan arrived in Richmond before noon and her cheery presence is certainly a factor in keeping me awake today thus preserving hope that I can achieve a full(er) night's sleep.  We celebrated Megan's return to Williamsburg with a customary visit to (the newly remodeled and mod) Nawab before heading home to football.  My physical energy seems to have picked up a bit, the bellweather being a walk with the hounds around the neighborhood circle.  I managed without great elevation of pulse and fear that my legs would go out so I am highly encouraged.  On the temperature-battle front, I am having a good day!  No repeat of yesterday's scares - yet.  Megan is visiting during a "good week" perhaps?  Oh yes!

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