Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So proud of our remarkable boy!

Brother Spotlight: Jonathan Ammirati ‘13

From September 2012 newsletter of Alpha Phi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi

"Here at Alpha Phi, we have many promising undergraduate brothers, but few can say they have had experiences similar to those of Jonathan Ammirati ’13 (#695).  A senior majoring in communications, political science, and statistics, Jonathan has seized every opportunity Virginia Tech has presented. Jonathan believes the truest policy in life is, “In life and all experiences, you get what you put into it. In all of my efforts I’ve put everything I can offer into Beta Theta Pi, my academics, and the community.”

Joining Beta as a freshman in the fall semester of his freshman year, Jonathan learned that through Ut Prosim and a motivation for leadership, anything is possible. Having served as a Student Alumni Associate, a Low-Tech, a Hokie Ambassador, Hokie Camp Counselor, an Orientation Leader, a member of the Order of Omega, the President of the Statistics Club of Virginia Tech, and Beta’s Leadership Chairman and House Manager, Jonathan Ammirati is one of the most accomplished and distinguished brothers of Alpha Phi in recent memory.

Boasting a 3.9 overall GPA between his three majors, Jonathan is one of the most balanced brothers as well. As he has seen the chapter improve over his years as a brother, Jonathan stated the biggest improvements as, “The brothers of this chapter have taken many more leadership roles on campus and they have established both names for themselves and the fraternity… They have a certain confidence about them… The sky is the limit when it comes to [Beta at Virginia Tech].” Undoubtedly he will be remembered as one of this chapter’s most renowned brothers both for his academic rigor and for his commitment to Virginia Tech’s motto, Ut Prosim, “That I May Serve”."

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