Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What a Productive Start!

Tuesday - September 18, 2012

A freshening, crisp breeze awoke me from a restorative 6-hour snooze!  Fabulous way to start the day!  While I remain "profoundly neutropenic" and self-contained in a modified level of house quarantine, I am functional and have a bit more physical competence this morning.  Megan and I have already ticked some chores off today's list.  Most importantly, we brought the hounds in for their annual dental cleaning - an event that causes all of us a high degree of stress due to the sedation required.  Leaving them at the vet is always a sad moment and Megan and I redirected our anxiety with a Blue Talon breakfast (a wonderful throwback to many such outings in 2009-2010 during Megan's senior year at William and Mary and before I began full time graduate studies at William and Mary).  Now, I am in the midst of laundry, kitchen chores, and our gonzo sewing projects for Megan's new room.  A near-normal day?  Could be!


The hounds are home - healthy but totally freaked out!  It's been a productive and warm day working and loving alongside Megan!  What a gift to have her home!

1 comment:

Kim said...

You are INCREDIBLE! Go Chris!