Tuesday, September 4, 2012

#6 of 6

Tuesday - September 4, 2012

Terrific news!  My 6th chemo hospitalization will be on VCU's Oncology floor!  I will be heading in for an 11 a.m. admission.


Perhaps it was the sight of yellow school buses on the roads, the late evening watching the Virginia Tech football opener (and - as always - keeping my eyes peeled for Jonathan in the stands!), or the frequency with which I am once again returning to VCU ... but this morning's re-admission has been a tad more melancholy than usual.  Going west up I-64 felt like I was about to do hard time.

Casey's Mr. Cow checks out the view!
Happily, I have much to buoy my spirits here in the familiar environs of the Oncology floor!  Capable, cheerful, and chatty Kristin is once again my RN!  "Food and nutrition" came by with apologies for not having a fruit plate for lunch and assurances that she will find one for me for dinner! (WOW!! Now, that's a clear benefit of being a frequent visitor.)  My port is already accessed here in the early afternoon and the chemo is on its way up from the pharmacy.  Joe spent many hours with me settling me into room 142, keeping me company, and then foraging a delicious early lunch!  And - key to my mental health - I have a glorious window view of a summer cloudscape.  The U.S. Open is providing good distraction, my NYT crosswords are ready to go, and I am ready to zone out, pass the time, and get through until Saturday afternoon!


Kim said...

So glad you get to be in your familiar and comfortable setting. Do we dare hope for your favorite room, as well? Of course!

Take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.

--Kim. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Kim! It's been a sunny, quiet day :) Being with familiar staff is hugely important!