Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Being with the Children Means Everything

Wednesday - September 26, 2012

Megan and I are soon headed west up I-64 for a blood draw and to meet with my oncologist.  Given last Thursday's improving (just-scraping-by) platelet levels and my increased energy, I highly doubt that I will need any transfusions (famous last words?) .... I envision a quick in and out of the lab and then a full discussion with Dr. Perkins.  Last week's MRI results should certainly be in and we're planning on trying to draw out his vision of any possible garden paths .... Are there any more hospitalizations planned after next week?  What if my BMT is not ready to go within the next month?  And just for the record - again - what are his numbers on relapse rates without BMT? with autologous BMT?  with allogeneic BMT?  

Celebrating Megan's new term (at Fat Canary)
And then we're back east down the interstate to the airport - oh, I am not keen on airport farewells.  Megan returns to California late this afternoon after a GIFT of a visit.  Words fail me here - in writing.  Words escape me - in person - when cuddling, hugging, and holding the children.  I suppose I have always been a bit of a soppy, emotional, tactile mom -- cuddling up my kids, rubbing backs, stroking hair, expressing emotions, expressing that same love and esteem again and again .... Being with Megan and Jonathan has always been a treasure.  I truly enjoy my children and, now with my cancer, I am so appreciative of their constant connection, their brainstorming and bolstering, their presence, their love....  Jonathan and Megan are the most remarkable and nurturing companions and supports.  Jonathan is coming home this weekend.  Megan has given us ten days in the midst of her work and studies.  I have no words - just overwhelming feelings.


A terrific trip to Dalton:  no bags hung (by the slimmest of blood level margins), a long and satisfying consultation with Dr. Perkins, and then refreshments in the healing garden (as spied by my eagle-eyed Megan).  We then grabbed delicious burgers at Station 2, a Shockoe Bottom restaurant where Joe has sourced two great dinners during my hospitalizations.  This area is in the running for the apartment rental that would immediately follow my BMT and it was good to lay eyes on it rather than just looking online.  Lots of brand new condos within a stone's throw of the hospital ....  Possibilities ....


Kim said...

What would we do without the love and nurturing of our families? Remember, part of the love they give to you is a reflection of the love you and Joe showed, and continue to show, them. You are a true reflection of your father, Chris. I'm sure he's smiling and watching over you though all of this. Hugs, Kim

Unknown said...

Ah, my Dad. How I miss him, Kim! You are completely right in that he was my role model of a loving, hugging, never-taking-anything-for-granted parent. A wonderful, expressive man