Sunday, September 23, 2012

In a Normal Rhythm

Sunday - September 23, 2012

Our local wild turkey clan - always a thrill and perhaps a good omen
Another brisk, bright autumn morning with a satisfying to-do list stretching ahead of me.  I was fortunate to launch the day by meeting Gina for breakfast downtown and got a vicarious charge from all of her work and fun in launching her second year of teaching!  Wonderful conversation and so terrific to be out and about -- in the world!  In my new favorite animal encounter, I was waylaid on route to the gate by the wild turkey family blithely roaming the road.  They seem oblivious to cars yet their numbers remain intact at a dozen plus (how long can this survival last?) and I always get a charge out of them.  I am certainly bolstered by the natural environment of our neighborhood - eagles, osprey, heron, foxes, groundhogs, deer, and now turkeys.  It has helped get me through the isolation of these last four months.

And today's normal rhythm?  Sewing, cooking, NFL, and prepping for tomorrow's Bone Marrow Transplant second opinion ...  It seems like a normal day  - except for that last item  :)  And best of all, Megan will be back from Blacksburg this evening!

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