Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day = End of Summer

Monday - September 3, 2012

... And what a discomfiting and timeless summer it has been!  No grand trips or explorations to mark summer 2012 just a gray calendar of indecipherable hospitalizations, treatments, and recoveries interspersed with welcome and oh-so-appreciated connections with family and friends.

So, on the eve of my 6th (and final!) Hyper CVAD chemotherapy treatment, I take stock.  Jonathan is well settled back in Blacksburg, pleased with his class schedule and community obligations, and pumped for a season of VT football (which begins tonight!).  Megan is unpacking a multitude of boxes and belongings in her new Davis apartment, teaching a small seminar-like class, and surrounded by a supportive group of amazing friends.  Joseph is cheerily continuing to hold up the fort - doing everything! - while I remain out for the count in terms of housework and general function.

From a medical point of view, I continue to weather chemo with remarkably few side effects.  No nausea, no vomiting, minimal and improving neuropathy in my fingers, manageable energy level, and limited (but miserable) bouts of mucositis.   Really, my summer 2012 focus has been trying to heal up and to get ready for whatever comes next:  intensive in-hospital methotrexate infusions?  some kind of bone marrow transplant?  In a sense, I am trying to suspend time ... just to endure, get through, and emerge at the end of this amorphous treatment protocol with health, function, purpose, and community role and involvement.  My need and LOVE for outward-focus / extroversion has been reinforced through this entire health challenge.  I do recharge through social interactions and through acting towards a common goal.  My hope is that by next summer, I will be ready and able to be back in the action again!


Yay for a visit from Rachel!  My sisters have been terrific companions this summer, keeping me company in person and via telephone, surprising me with amazing meals, and helping out with tasks large and small.

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