Thursday, September 13, 2012

Waiting to Perk Up

Thursday - September 14, 2012

Dated but functional does the trick!
Oh, I know that it is WAY too early but I am still hoping that Monday's precious Neulasta shot kicks in and invigorates me sooner rather than later.  In the meantime, I am shepherding my energies and avoiding the stairs until my pulse rate declines and I don't risk shortness of breath!  Sewing is a centering and calming activity for me and yesterday I spent many productive hours tackling projects at the sewing machine, enjoying open windows, and listening to NPR and BBC.  The neuropathy in my fingers has dissipated enough that I am able to be functional on the machine.  Today I am tackling some handwork and (drum roll please!) bringing Baxter to an unavoidable trip to the vet (heartworm check before next week's dental cleaning).  I have some strong concerns about leaving the house and interacting with places and people in my "am I neutropenic?" state.  I will take precautions, be swift, and think happy non-infectious thoughts!


Kim said...

What are your sewing projects!

Unknown said...

Many things are in my inbox and I am polishing them off! Napkin hemming, adding darts to shirts and dresses, prepping some curtains for M's new flat .... Many hand repairs await me this afternoon :)