Friday, September 7, 2012

Sleep Advocacy: My New Cause?

A beautiful foggy morning
Friday - September 7, 2012

Yeah - my last full day in the hospital!  Only one last semi-sleep to go tonight and then I go home Saturday afternoon ... to a comfortable and happy environment, great company, and deep LONG slumbers!  My sleep advocacy was again successful last night, perhaps my most effective to date with only one interruption to hang chemo and draw blood at 4 a.m.  I am definitely getting the feel for how to approach this sleep optimization goal, learning how to present it to always-surprised RNs and care partners who seem to have never really considered it before.  Last night, 4 visits were on the schedule yet I managed to consolidate it down to one visit through discussion and planning; how hard is that?  Wouldn't patients who are more ill and are not advocating for maximum sleep benefit from this same level of planning and consideration?  A personal and fascinating question.  Why is sleep not a priority in scheduling nighttime checks and procedures?  I'm taking it on ....

Yesterday I tackled some projects thus increasing my sense of productivity and contribution but my day was truly boosted by a long, lovely visit from Helen, sister-in-law extraordinaire!  High-five and thanks for the first Ammirati hospital visit!  Helen was the highlight of the day! - the week!  Great to catch up on life in Bedford and to enjoy some smiles and conversation and to be able to say thank you to Helen for her extended loan of her amethyst bio-mat :)  AND - bonus! - Joe came a bit earlier yesterday and was lucky enough to be able to spend some time with his sister!


The last chemo bags of this hospitalization have been hung pre-noon so my 24 hour doxorubicin infusion should be finished in time for me to get home by early afternoon on Saturday.  Such relief to be in the final stretch!

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