Monday, September 17, 2012

Steroids = Another 4 hours Sleep

Monday - September 17, 2012

Well, I tried to grab some more sleep after a 3 a.m. wake-up but after almost an hour I gave up, came downstairs, and launched the day.  Megan and I are headed to VCU's Dalton Clinic as early as possible in order to get the jump on my labwork.  In case my blood draw indicates that "bags must be hung," I'll be early in line for the blood bank request, typing, and ultimate delivery of those precious platelets and red blood cells.  As a frequent consumer of blood products over these last 4 months, THANK YOU to all of you who donate!  I recall Kim organizing blood drives thirty years ago in high school!  Every donation is appreciated and needed.

Today also brings another fun and productive sewing project - creating a slipcover for a "billiard lamp" featured in Megan's new room.  We've already mocked up a form cut to size, selected fabric, and are ready to start seaming  :)  My neuropathy continues to be manageable enough to allow needlework!


And they're hanging bags!  Both platelets and red blood cells are on order.  The wait is made much more manageable being with Megan - even though she just bested me in Scrabble!  Rematch to come!  Hoping to be out by 2 p.m. But maybe I am dreaming . . .


Yes, I was dreaming!  We were out at 3:30 and are now home.  Time to tackle some sewing before dinner  :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Time flies, doesn't it? I just donated blood to the AFBSP, the Armed Forces Blood Services Program. They come to the Air Force Academy every year. I figure they are over fighting fr me, the least I can do is help fight for their lives.

It certainly has been a while since the days of NHS and blood drives!

Yeah for Megan being able to be with you. She certainly is a bright spot ion this process.

Have a great day.

Hugs, love and prayers....