Sunday, September 2, 2012

And the Cat Snores On ...

Sunday - September 2, 2012

You know it's quiet when Dusk's rasping snores cause you to look up from the New York Times with some degree of admiration and bemusement....  Another day of rest and healing probably with a mix of housework and organization; my "go-bag" is already prepped for Tuesday's hospitalization.  Having finished the last of my antibiotics, today I will be monitoring my temperature like a hawk, drinking copious amounts of fluids, and staying in the house - perhaps daring to venture out for a walk with the hounds. 

Last night, Joe and I took advantage of an energy surge (and a lean fridge) and enjoyed dinner on the terrace at Fat Canary.  Taking advantage of Williamsburg's many fine restaurants used to be a regular treat but is now a true indulgence!  Just to get out into the world is a wonderful occasion and we take advantage whenever the opportunity arises!  Even better, my stamina allowed us to enjoy our regular post-dinner walk,  roaming down DoG Street into Colonial Williamsburg after the shops and sites have all closed, the horses have been uncoupled from the carriages, and the tourists have retired to their hotel rooms.  An "almost normal" outing - fabulous!

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