Sunday, November 11, 2012

To the Eagles' Nest

Sunday - November 11, 2012

On another warm, bright, glorious day in Williamsburg, Joe and I took full advantage with a long morning walk with the hounds.  Instead of enjoying our route down to the York, we set off through the woods.  This route winds alongside the mill pond and out towards an eagles' nest clearly visible from the path.  No eagles were in sight today nor were the flocks of Canada geese and cormorants we had encountered last Saturday.  Sadie was on high alert for any waterfowl that might cross her path but it was a quiet, still day all around.  I think this walk may mark my longest outing since ... December?  Headaches?  I definitely feel that my strength is building steadily and that my body, blood, and bone marrow are showing tangible recovery from the chemotherapy.  I am certainly in a better physical condition to endure a bone marrow transplant now than I would have been for the original mid-October timetable.  And I hope this strength contributes to an easier procedure and sunnier prognosis.

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