Monday, November 26, 2012

Getting the Ball Rolling

Monday - November 26, 2012

Today was devoted to keeping my many home projects moving forward and to making progress on the work front.  I have an appointment tomorrow that is not medical -- a wonderful, phenomenal, back-to-normal change of pace!  It is work-related!  Woohoo!  I'm meeting with HR to get all of my paperwork together to allow me to substitute.  I am thrilled about returning to a more normal rhythm, with more interactions, no focus on cancer, and young children.  What a treat!

I postponed my trip to Richmond for blood work until Thursday to allow more days to elapse -- more time to go by for those worrisome liver enzymes to begin their decline.  I know myself well enough to be aware that a continued high number might surface some serious fretting.  After all, I did just hear the words "organ failure" in a medical consultation.  Yes, they were said in the context of what must be avoided but sustained high liver enzyme levels will certainly spark some perseveration (perhaps just a bit) on those two words; I know myself.  I did not hear from VCU today about the phone consult with Hopkins.  Closing that conversational loop and scheduling my next CT scan are on tomorrow's agenda.

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