Saturday, November 3, 2012

Companionship is Key ...

Saturday - November 3, 2012

A walk to the mill ponds rather than the York.  Beautiful!
... to keeping me alert, engaged, and happy.  At my core, I am truly a social animal; ENFP personified.  Currently, in this amorphous waiting period in my lymphoma treatment, I do think that I might be more likely to obsess over numbers and to drift into a dark space if left alone too long to contemplate, to think, to conjecture.  So when Carolyn first suggested coming east while Joe was away on a week-long business trip, we transitioned quickly from a discussion of my current high function healthwise and ability to go it alone to the fact that during this visit we could simply focus on enjoying each other!  While fun with my sister is to be relished, I think her visit is most appreciated because her presence will also be a talisman against possible brooding and the blues.  One week alone with the hounds might have warded off even my cheeriest instincts.  I am thankful to Dan and the kids for once again adjusting their entire family schedule and routine to make this sisterly week happen!  Joe and Carolyn will just miss each other at the airport this afternoon but are planning to engineer a hand-off of the car so Carolyn can drive herself down to Williamsburg.  I am making some homemade broth and soup for a cozy autumn dinner!

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