Friday, November 9, 2012

A Full (and Normal) Friday

Friday - November 9, 2012

Today was a full and happy completely non-medical day with my fabulous sister.  I have shifted from my photo project to sorting through each and every last storage box in the house and dumping, sorting, and enjoying some forgotten moments.  Hurrah for saved correspondence and notes from the kids!  Lots of fun!  Carolyn and I also relaxed with a long sunny dog walk to the river and saw "Flight" - my first film outing in ages!  Now we are off to the airport to pick up Joe - back from his travel.  

Just a thought as I come back from an outing in the outside world.  I sometimes feel SO normal that I forget that I'm ill.... or dealing with illness.  Visibly ill.... or visibly dealing with illness.... And then I catch someone's double-take as they register my scarf and lack of hair and then process at some level:  "cancer."  It's hard to go under the radar and feel completely normal when you are so visibly and publicly marked.  Ah well, today felt exhilaratingly normal.  Normal tasks.  Normal energy.  Normal day.  I feel wonderful!

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