Monday, November 12, 2012

Firming Things Up

Monday - November 12, 2012

Dotting "i"s and crossing "t"s seemed to be the order of today.  I did what I could to firm up anything medical that is in my control, confirming that all necessary documents had been received at Hopkins and nailing down Friday's appointment at VCU's Dalton Clinic.  On Friday, I am meeting mid-afternoon with my oncologist to review the results of last Thursday's MRI and then getting another infusion of Rituxan in preparation for my next hospitalization for a third round of high-dose methotrexate.  The date of this next hospitalization is still up in the air.  I am scheduled to enter the hospital one week from today and to be discharged on Thanksgiving (morning? afternoon?) BUT Jonathan will be home during that time and I am loathe to miss any time with him.  Of course, he could hang out at the hospital as he and Megan have done in the past but - let's be completely honest here - it is MUCH better family time at home.  The appeal of the oncology floor is limited - especially after a dozen hospitalizations!  I have asked (very politely) if I can be admitted on Saturday Nov. 24.  The attending physician from my last hospitalization indicated that this would not be a problem at all however we'll see what the official word is from my oncologist.  I may have the answer tomorrow!

I am completely captivated by the York.  The hounds and I enjoyed a long, sunny walk along the river this morning.  It's restorative.

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