Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oh, Those Interfering Liver Enzymes...

Wednesday - November 21, 2012

All good things come to those who ...
Well, we had planned for me to be in the hospital beginning Saturday for my 3rd round of high-dose methotrexate BUT today's blood test showed that my AST and ALT counts have increased 50% in the last five days.  This increase is on top of already elevated levels so my next hospitalization is NOT being scheduled until my numbers are down, indicating that my liver has recovered from the last methotrexate infusion and is ready for the next onslaught.  Jonathan and I did not wait at Dalton for the "thumbs up / thumbs down" decision and got the word from one of my RNs by phone when we returned to the house.  I will go back on Monday for another blood test but will not be admitted on that day and may not go into the hospital until the end of the week at the earliest.  So what do you do to reduce rather startingly high AST and ALT numbers?  You wait for the liver to heal itself.  With time, the liver should recover and the enzymes should decline.  I just need to wait ... it ... out.  THAT, I can do; I've been practicing  :) 

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