Thursday, November 29, 2012

My New Favorite Organ

Thursday - November 29, 2012

Waiting at Dalton Clinic ... at Massey Cancer Center ... at VCU
Perhaps with all of my kudos and appreciation going to my amazing methotrexate-purging kidneys, my liver has been overlooked.  Well, not anymore.  My liver is getting my full and complete attention these days.  Today's blood work shows continued and accelerated growth in the levels of my AST and ALT liver enzymes.  Ugh.  In sharing the numbers on the telephone, my RN was very calm, totally procedural and "not to worry, time will bring the numbers down" but I pressed about changing something up to reverse this trend and she consulted once more with my oncologist.  He then pulled me off fluconazole, an anti-fungal med I have been taking since May, and will meet with me when I am at Dalton next Wednesday for another blood test.  In the meantime, I shall try to avoid googling "fluconazole liver toxicity" more than once (or maybe twice) a day and will imbibe even more water than usual. Livers love water and I LOVE my liver - my favorite organ.  Move over kidneys, you've had your time in the sun ....

Forget productivity and projects.  Time for a nap on the sunny front couch with the hounds.

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