Friday, November 16, 2012

A Frenetic Morning + A Relieved Afternoon

Friday - November 16, 2012

Or is it a "frantic" morning?  Hmmm....  I'm not sure ....  I had a tossing-turning night (from nerves?) which somewhat depleted my "steeliness" reserves and then I got a phone call from Marla, my contact point at Johns Hopkins.  Uh oh.  Why is Marla on the phone?  She shared that the oncologist's office may in fact be closed the day after Thanksgiving -- oooookay, I can roll with that (but why is this info still up in the air one week prior to the date?).  Then she asked for copies of my insurance card because the oncologist, in reviewing my files and seeing my prior authorization for a BMT in Richmond, wanted to confirm that treatment at Johns Hopkins was indeed authorized.  Yes, on Wednesday I confirmed with an actual human being at Blue Cross Blue Shield that my BMT authorization extended to Hopkins even though it was originally issued for VCU.  Yes, I confirmed that this oncologist was in-network.  Yes, it is Open Season and we can upgrade our BC BS plan as necessary.  Yes, everything seems fine on the insurance admin front ... but I am on edge.  Add to that a computer crash as I tried to scan my card, sweating as I ran around (is it really just sweat?), and a FAX machine robo-calling the house ... and I have had a weird, discomfiting morning.

BUT ...  Jonathan is currently on 64 on his way to Williamsburg.  The imminent arrival of your child has a calming, soothing, healing, positive effect....  Off to Dalton just after noon to meet with my oncologist.


Phew .....  my MRI is clear.  I can draw a deep restorative breath.  I still don't know why I have been so nervous....  Jonathan is here with me as I get my Rituxan infusion.  We'll be home for dinner.

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