Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sunny Steps Forward on a Grey Day + End of Vacation?

Tuesday - November 27, 2012

After my morning admin meeting with HR, my substitute status should be activated late this afternoon.  Then I'll be one step closer to getting back to work, a welcome / cheery return to my normal pre-cancer routine.  Just to get up and out in the world!  To work with elementary schoolers!  Sounds great to me!  But, yes, I plan to modulate my efforts and not to overdo ....

No phone call yet from VCU to discuss the Hopkins meeting.  I also need to schedule my next CT scan.  I'll give it the end of the week and then I'll chase down that appointment.

Hooray! Just finished the last step in registering as a sub in my former school district. "Welcome back from vacation" read the banner on SubFinder. Ha! Best (automated) comment in memory! Point of fact: If this was a vacation, I would like a refund please!

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