Thursday, November 22, 2012

Enormously Thankful

Thursday - November 22, 2012

A happy Thanksgiving with my boys!  Joe, Jonathan, and I enjoyed a holiday turkey lunch at the Trellis and then ambled through Colonial Williamsburg, soaking in the sun and the fresh autumn air.  It was bustling on DoG Street today!  "Make way, sir!" the colonial re-enactor called to Jonathan as her historic technology (horse and carriage) almost intersected with him - thoroughly absorbed, head down in his modern technology (droid).  The balance of the day will be quiet, filled with chores (laundry, mending, cooking), football, a pasta dinner, and a touchbase with Megan and the Alzamoras celebrating together in Colorado. 

Jonathan returns to Blackburg tomorrow as Joe and I hit the road for our daytrip to Johns Hopkins and my initial consultation for the haplo bone marrow transplant.  Today, I am again pampering my liver by supplementing my already epic levels of water consumption and channeling positive thoughts towards my troublesome enzyme levels.  I am interested in hearing if these levels will torpedo or just postpone future methotrexate infusions.

On this Thanksgiving with Jonathan's latest visit drawing to a close, I am enormously grateful for the company of my husband and children and for the support of all of my friends and family.  It has indeed proven to be true that "the greatest healing therapy is friendship and love."


Take Off!  An Ammirati family tradition!  We used our old school / dated / original board (USSR, South Yemen, Bonn and Berlin both as capitals), I rolled doubles like the dice were loaded, Jonathan sent planes back to Hawaii with regularity, and Joe ... won! 

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