Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Sisterly Staycation

Saturday - November 10, 2012

Carolyn's visit has whizzed past and I am so very very sad to be driving her to the airport in the next few hours.  Unlike her long visit this summer, I was much more functional and energetic this past week;  we have not been bound to the house with me crashed on the couch, healing up, letting the chemo do its work.  So, yes, Carolyn was exactly right - we could have fun this visit rather than just be mired in the repercussions of cancer.  Films, walks, books, meals out, the election (!), the election post mortem (!), and discovering long-lost, dead-on family correspondence kept us highly amused and happy.  We also managed to knock successfully on Johns Hopkins' door thus developing some (vague) outline of (possible)  next steps.  Our previous sisterly getaways have included Taos and Santa Fe, Chicago, the Florida Keys, Sanibel, and L.A..   This lovely, nurturing week was our first sisterly staycation.  Where will we go next?  Baltimore?  :)

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