Sunday, November 4, 2012

Megan's New Blog: A Caregiving Chronicle for BMTs

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

"At the risk of sounding like a new member at a meeting of Cancer Caregiver's Anonymous, let me begin.

Megan's May 2010 graduation weekend
My name is Megan. My mother will be receiving a bone marrow transplant for her Stage IV DLBC Lymphoma this winter.

Well, now that that formality is dispensed with, let me get to some of the more interesting details about my purposes of writing this blog. Some of the sources that have been immensely comforting to me during my family's "journey" with cancer are blogs from fellow patients. I've clicked through the entries that cataloged everything from their various drug regimens to their day-to-day insistence on enjoying life. I'd like to contribute to that body of knowledge that has done so very to reassure and educate me with a particular focus on those younger caregivers who find themselves occasionally switching roles with their parents."
Megan offers a different perspective going forward on our BMT journey at:

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