Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day: More Waiting!

Tuesday - November 6, 2012

Baxter cuddling with Bunny
Waiting is a cancer patient's forte!  We wait at clinics, for test results, to see our bodies respond to the assault of poisons and other treatments, to see our hair fall out and then to grow in, to get a definitive answer on ... what happens next ... when we are in the clear ... when we no longer need to wait ....  So today's Election Day wait seems like a walk in the park!

Another relaxed, cheery asymptomatic day  :)   Baking a family-favorite nusstorte for my two cherished college students, penning some notes with photos for those same amazing children, writing a short paper on the Enlightenment for Coursera, and keeping warm with the hounds by the fire.  AND, I'm still in my pajamas!  Why not?!

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