Thursday, November 8, 2012

Medical Records and MRIs

Thursday - November 8, 2012

Wwwwhhhhoooossssshhhhhhhh .....  things are moving FAST ...  at least for the moment :)  This morning Carolyn and I are following up on yesterday afternoon's first contact with Johns Hopkins.  Carolyn actually telephoned Hopkins' New Patient Referral line from the car on the way to see Sally in Virginia Beach, expecting that we would simply leave a callback number.  Instead, she was transferred directly to Medical Oncology where the proverbial ball was set rolling.  As the call progressed, we asked about a possible timetable and the answer was ... Tuesday.  Um, say what?  Yes, on Tuesday a physicians' panel will meet to review my medical records and determine whether I will be scheduled for more meetings, tests, and treatment.  The scramble is on to get my medical records faxed north.  After last August's circus in getting medical records faxed to Univ of MD, we are on the alert!

Luckily (?), we can follow up on the medical records faxes in person this afternoon in Richmond.  My fifth MRI of this calendar year is scheduled for 2:50.  This test is again targeting my head and orbits, looking at that left sphenoid sinus - the source of all those months of pain and poor function! My canary in the coal mine!  My first alert to lymphoma!  We hope once again to find nothing...  nada...  nil...  zero....  


Update #1:  Carolyn is right:  you have to do it yourself.  My VCU BMT coordinator phoned (from home on her day off) to say that she had NOT yet made contact with her counterpart at Hopkins.  If I had waited for Angela to make contact, I would not have been discussed next Tuesday.  Just by circumstance, we would have missed that deadline.

 Update #2:  Carolyn is right:  you MUST do it yourself.  We have vanquished voice mail systems and sorted out the division of labor and gotten the medical records faxed to Hopkins.  Confirmed with Hopkins:  they have been received.  Boo-yah!

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