Sunday, November 25, 2012

"So, When Can I Return to Work?"

Sunday - November 25, 2012

Joe and I have been batting around this question and other decisions today - at home in front of the fire, walking the dogs on "Tick Alley", and out at Bonefish for lunch.

Q #1:  "So, When Can I Return to Work?"
Now that I do not need to guard so intently against infections / illness that might delay planned hospitalizations, I should be clear to go back to work, yes?  Nothing else is holding me back.  I feel great and have ample energy.  I am very excited at the prospect of working and will call HR first thing tomorrow morning to determine how to return to the substitute list that I was on as a student teacher.  I'm thinking that I will start by limiting myself to the comfortable confines and community of Matoaka, my old school.  SO so so SO excited to throw off the restraints and to get OUT and contribute again in a classroom.

Q #2:  "So, What About San Francisco?"
After all, Joe's office has been amazing in holding this position for him and they need an answer asap.  I am nervous about the possibility of relapsing in an unknown city, without a support group, and so far from the promise of that mini-haplo BMT at Hopkins.  But in keeping with the gist of "Strictly Ballroom" I am trying to not live my life in fear.  We're continuing on with the assignment after a one year lymphoma delay.  It's a Summer 2013 move to San Francisco for a 2 year tour (unless I relapse before that time but let's hope NOT).

Q #3:  "So, Where Will That Family Vacation Be?"
Bahamas?  Sanibel?  Virgin Islands?  Puerto Rico?  They're all in the mix.  Last year's original plan to go to Maui with Carolyn and family is off the table.  Let's just find a warm place to be all together and relax.

Aren't these questions much nicer / less terrifying than the questions we were contemplating just two days ago?  Oh, yes.  It is a relief to have decision-making off the table even if relapse v continued health is essentially a mere coin flip.  What can you do?  You never even know when that coin is going to be tossed in the air.  Just reflect on the Serenity Prayer and hope for the best  :)

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