Friday, November 2, 2012

Regaining Strength at Home

Friday - November 2, 2012

Blooming zygocactus? Thanksgiving is soon!
As appears to be a pattern, when I arrived home from Richmond yesterday, I immediately crashed on the couch.  Not even stopping to take off my coat, I greeted the frantic hounds, grabbed a blanket, and slept (deeply, fully, completely) stretched out in the living room for almost 3 hours.  Joe and I had enjoyed a late lunch at Station 2 after leaving the hospital so I slept through the dinner hour, awoke for a few hours of interaction and function, and then bedded down upstairs on the Tempurpedic for another 9 hours of blissful rest.  So am I awake and perky today?  Well, not quite ....  I am still dragging in terms of sleepiness and physical energy.  Still, it is an injection of energy to be back home and after forcing myself to get up and out, the hounds and I enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood.  Crisp fresh air, bright golden leaves, and birdsong have all jumpstarted another day of relaxation and recovery.

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