Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Quoting Megan: Dreams of Reading "Kat Kong"

As a proud (and teary mom), I am reposting (with permission) from Megan's blog:

How Can I Help?

I finally have an answer for all the people who have asked how they can help me and my family.

Please please please join the Be the Match Bone Marrow donor registry.

*Fill out a form here: (3 minutes)
* They will send you a cheek swab kit and lots of envelopes (maybe 5 minutes)
* Send it back and give hope to a TON of people across the country the the world

I never participated in those bone marrow drives because it felt too scary. But NOW I know that donating is pretty painless and you are fully compensated.

ALSO if you are called to donate, you save someone's life.

There are families like mine all over the country hoping and praying that someone will step up and give them a chance to live for years instead of months. Every night I go to bed sending out secret signals to the three strangers who have matched with my mom. I desperately hope that one of them, without any information about us, will somehow realize that I need my mom to see me graduate with a Ph.D, dance at my wedding, and read Kat Kong to my children.

Science is so beautiful. It gives us so many chances to live and thrive. The only thing more hopeful and redeeming is the potential of other human beings. Literally the potential they hold IN THEIR BLOOD! Hahahaha. Seriously, there are people in the US who for some strange genetic reason have exactly your same type of bone marrow (way more rare than blood type). Because human beings are smart, compassionate, and amazing, when one of them gets sick you can step up and save them.

So consider being even more heroic and amazing than you already are!
This kid thinks it's a good idea

1 comment:

Kim said...

Such a loving daughter. Hang tough Chrissie. Joe, Megan & Jonathan await.

I'd go right out and sign up if I hadn't already!