Sunday, October 21, 2012

Autumn Comforts

Sunday - October 21, 2012

I am enjoying an autumn Sunday, grateful to be spared mucositis, fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea, or any other side effects of chemotherapy,  I am free and clear of any chemo impact for another happy day.  With this energy and good health, I have already savored a good walk with the hounds, written an essay for my (very interesting) Coursera class, and met up with Gina for brunch downtown.  Gina has been a huge boost these last months.  She gets me up and out of the house, keeps me laughing, and always makes it seem like I am taking just a brief break from the classroom.  Somehow, when hanging with Gina, I do feel that I'll be back in the action at some point soon (even when intellectually I know that I will be sidelined for at least the entirety of this school year). 

After yesterday's long haul in the car, Joe and I are taking it slow and at home for the rest of his weekend.  Football, photo albums, cooking, sewing, and correspondence all loom on my agenda.  I am tempted to Google and do some more research in preparation for Friday's meeting with the Bone Marrow Transplant team but it's SUCH a magnificent day.  No clouds today  :)

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