Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Building up my Blood Count?

Wednesday - October 24, 2012

Well, perhaps not in terms of actual blood but my cuddly, home collection has grown with Carolyn and Megan's contribution of two cheery red blood cells.  They look quite surprised to join my platelet in its efforts to improve my health... and to keep me highly amused and happy  :)

It is another picture perfect autumn morning to enjoy with open windows, cool breezes, and birdsong.  Absolutely beautiful ....  Although my peaks in energy level and physical strength have ebbed somewhat in the last two days, I intend to take full advantage of this magnificent October weather and take multiple walks with the hounds.  Other than this lofty physical goal (ha!), I can see today being a repeat of yesterday -- hunkered down, preserving my energy reserves, immersing myself in books and iPad.  I am bouncing between world history from my Coursera class and medical history from “The Emperor of All Maladies, A Biography of Cancer.”  Both histories are absolutely absorbing and can be enjoyed on the deck, in the open air, soaking up the warm autumn sun with dogs on my lap.  Sounds good!

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