Friday, October 12, 2012

Next Hospitalization? Scheduled!

Friday - October 12, 2012

This day has SPED by!  After a daytrip to Richmond, a walk with the dogs, and an oh-so-tempting-and-couldn't-be-resisted nap on the couch, I am relieved to see that some glorious sunlight remains on this autumn day!  Nonetheless, it is indeed late afternoon !

Joe and I gleaned some specific information in our meeting with my oncologist.  That is, we learned that it is possible for me to have up to 4 rounds of high-dose methotrexate while awaiting a bone marrow transplant.  These hospitalizations will be about 3 weeks apart and will serve to stave off relapse of my lymphoma in my central nervous system.  Rituxan infusions will serve to keep me in remission in terms of systemic lymphoma.  Between both of these procedures, I should be able to remain in "complete response" until the stars line up on the BMT front.  We scheduled my next high-dose methotrexate hospitalization for Oct. 29 and another follow-up head and orbit MRI for Thursday Nov. 8.  My physician does not believe that I will become neutropenic during this time (hurrah!) but that I may need some platelet infusions.  Sounds fine by me! 

In finally going online this afternoon, I find myself overwhelmed with the support and love of my friends and family.  You all are keeping me positive and hopeful.  The Hyper CVAD protocol is complete and now dates and procedures are somewhat nebulous.  As my path forward becomes less concrete and outcomes less certain, I am incredibly buoyed by my connections and community.  Yes, I may be somewhat stuck in this stasis of semi-isolation but modern communications are keeping me sane.  The phone calls and texts are godsends!  Any Facebook "like", response, or comment is a boost to this girl in her lymphoma bubble!  The sharing of the Bone Marrow Registry info has taken on a life of its own and been a genuine joy!  THANK YOU!  And to Kim and John, you have made my day!  Much love to all  :)

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