Saturday, October 6, 2012

Feeling (a wee bit) Blue

Saturday - October 6, 2012

Our "an" atop some blues
Not navy blue or royal blue but maybe sky blue or robin's egg blue.  Just a bit blue despite the fabulous autumn weather and the bright, crisp sunshine.  I'm happy to realize that this less-than-cheery state is the exception rather than the norm and I suppose having the blues is inevitable when you are in the midst of treatment for stage 4 cancer.  Nonetheless, I would like to redecorate my approach to the day and find a sunnier emotional slant. 

And the best way to combat the blues is with action!  I have a sneaking suspicion that last night's task of burning photo files onto CDs might be the origin point for my aquamarine state so today I am staying away from memory lane.  Instead, I may plow back into Megan's closet or once more break out the sewing machine for instant gratification and sense of accomplishment.  My physical state remains strong so walking the hounds down to the river (for a third day in a row!) is a must.  That outing is a guaranteed stimulus.  A cure-all.


Well, I may have been wrong about avoiding memory lane.  A high school friend just sent me a movie made during our senior year, essentially a video yearbook full of cameos of peers and teachers.  What a fabulous surprise! 

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