Monday, October 22, 2012

Knocking Out that Punch List

Monday - October 22, 2012

On our favorite route along the York
Starting off the week by finishing off a long to-do list affords a certain degree of (perhaps pathetic) satisfaction.  Baking and care packages sent to the kids?  Check. Swift germaphobic supermarket outing?  Check.  Home-made dogfood?  Check.  Laundry?  Check.  Coursera lectures?  Check.  Follow-up letter to address medical billing discrepancy?  Check.  More bills?  Check.  Quick interaction with Joe during his return home for lunch?  Check.   I am particularly happy to get a second week of baking off to Jonathan and Megan and hoping that I can manage another round next week before Monday's hospital readmission  :)  Now ...  on to projects rather than chores for the balance of the afternoon....

Busy, busy ... yes, I need to keep myself engaged. Yet no degree of activity adequately masks the fact that I am on hiatus from the pace and collaboration that I so value. I do miss the bustle and satisfaction of work, of interaction with a group of colleagues working towards a common goal, of meeting the daily surprises encountered with any group of children.  Perhaps next year ....

Last night, I had a terrific hour-long conversation with a dear high school friend who is now a physician working in bone marrow transplantation.  What a gift to be able to discuss options without the construct of a doctor - patient relationship!  He offered perspective, background, and insight and provided additional information about cord blood transplantation that definitely adds to my comfort level prior to Friday's meeting with my BMT team.  Again, I feel so grateful to have such a wealth of people who are supporting me through my lymphoma challenge.  This unexpected journey definitely has its silver linings.  In this case, the four high schoolers who lunched together in Mr. Cohen's high school biology lab have all come together more than 30 years later to effect this reconnection.  I am relishing the memories and enjoying the present day conversations and updates.

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