Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dog Days of October

Saturday - October 27, 2012

During last night's designated Trick-or-Treat evening on base, Sadie and Baxter went crazy as they do every Halloween.  Just like the reinforced behavior when barking at the Arlington letter carrier, their hysteria worked to ensure that none of the visiting ninjas, princesses, and skeletons moved in permanently.  Everybody turned and walked away.  Job well done by the hounds.  They dropped in exhaustion in front of the fire.  Today, their easy routine was again disrupted;  they could not sleep in due to an early morning vet visit for vaccines.  Their anxiety and stress then jumped species to humans - me! - when Sadie had a severe allergic reaction.  I brought her back to the vet for steroids (and perhaps epinephrine) and she is being held for observation until late afternoon.  So ... three trips to the vet today, some baking, storm-watching, and some projects mean no time to muse (or brood?) about next steps regarding the BMT.  I am effectively distracted and diverted -- just waiting for the proper balance of hounds to humans to be restored later this afternoon. 

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