Tuesday, October 2, 2012

(Deliberately) Raising My Pulse

Tuesday - October 2, 2012

Yesterday's (3 hours + of) vitals confirmed that my pulse rate has definitely returned to a consistently lower, more manageable rate.  My 153 bpm peak of a few weeks ago seems to be firmly in the past and I feel less winded - and safer! - in moving around in general and even in ascending the stairs.  Now I am excited about getting outside with the hounds, walking around the neighborhood, and raising my pulse for a bit of long-neglected cardio.  My BMT physician emphasized cardio way back when in the beginning of the summer when I was in Hyper CVAD round #2 on the BMT Unit floor.  However, given that I was breathless just walking to the kitchen or frozen with leg fatigue as I tried to raise myself off the floor or couch, a cardio outing was not an area where I felt comfortable at all.  My focus during these many months has been on keeping my pulse down and under control.

With the conclusion of my "nasty" Hyper CVAD regimen, I have taken the hounds out solo without fear of becoming stranded with fatigue on the other side of our neighborhood or - even worse! - stumbling and falling down due to a loss of balance.  It's time to up the ante and go for multiple daily walks and maybe - just maybe - feel comfortable enough to take the dogs down on our old route to enjoy the glorious expanse of the York River.  Today on our morning walk, we encountered one glitch with my current physical state.  While the hounds and I were doing just fine at a steady pace, when a rain shower burst upon us, I realized quickly that there was simply no way that I could manage even the slowest of jogs to get my water-adverse Italian Greyhounds out of the rain.  Poor thin-coated Baxter looked at me plaintively yet there was no avoiding his becoming all spotty with raindrops.  Sadie just soldiered on, eyes forward.  We were all damp when we returned home but my pulse?  Still within reason  :)

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