Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween! Possibly my FAVORITE Holiday!

Wednesday - October 31, 2012

Because it's child-centered!  Because it brings families and schools and children together ecumenically and with the sole agenda of enjoying each other's inventiveness, marching about a bit, sharing some food, and having fun!  Because it's an occasion for children to knock on unknown, generally-no-go doors and to be welcomed, admired, and given a gift of generosity and food!  Because it's a day to strengthen social skills in approaching people appropriately and safely and to practice great eye contact and verbal manners!  Because it's a day to dress up and - at least in preschool circles - to be as over-the-top as possible! Because it comes at a gorgeous, glorious, wonderful time of year!  Fabulous autumn! 

Jonathan's 2007 Cyclops
And here I am in the hospital!  Many energizing and happy memories of preschool and elementary parades and celebrations are seeing me through ... AND I am wearing orange and black.  While I realized my wings and dinosaur spikes were best left at home, I was tempted to at least don one of my many Halloween hats.  But ultimately I felt I had to restrain myself here in a very adult, VERY serious world.  The orange and black feels daring enough given the fact that the medical staff still express daily surprise that I am out of my pajamas and in street clothes.  No, my jingle bell jester hat would have been too much ....

Trick or treat?  Trick:  Well my sodium bicarbonate infusion set off that dratted air-in-line alarm again through the night;  all in all I managed perhaps 5 hours of interrupted sleep.  Treat:  Well, of course, that comes down to my phenomenal kidneys that have already lowered my methotrexate level to 2.33 at yesterday's noon blood draw!  BOO-yah!  Looks like those incredible kidneys should be continuing their streak of getting me out of the hospital on day 4 of a methotrexate infusion - no matter the dosage!  Home tomorrow afternoon?  Yes, it's looking good!


Halloween surprise!  Joe knocks on my door at 7:50 with a huge smile ... and a hazelnut coffee with cream!  What's UP?!  Now that's a terrific way to start yet another day of incanceration!!

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