Friday, October 19, 2012

Platelets: Plunging or Progressing?

Friday - October 19, 2012

I'm off to Richmond to find out!  No visible bruising that I can find on my body so I'm betting that I am still in double digits  :)   This solo trip is a given without even having to discuss the subject.  Yup, that's how wonderful I feel.  No worries about being so pain-riddled (pre-chemo), fatigued (early chemo), or nervous about being pain-riddled or fatigued (late chemo) that I really felt that I needed a ride.  Independence!


Platelet plateau!  My blood levels are good and I am dismissed from Richmond until ... (drum roll please!) ... next Friday when I go in for Rituxan and the consultation with the Bone Marrow Transplant team.  Yes, that's a FULL week between medical appointments :)


Kim said...


Unknown said...

A TRUE vacation!