Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Soggy "Sandy" Sunday

Sunday - October 28, 2012

The hatches are battened down, ample supplies are in hand, and we are ready for Sandy - this hybrid hurricane / nor 'easter that may last through Tuesday.  Last year's Hurricane Irene resulted in no power for more than 3 days.  We are hoping that we have better luck this time around!  Of course, the Italian Greyhounds are utterly horrified by the torrents of rain that have already saturated the ground and the winds that are currently picking up.  Our challenge will be to get these dogs out regularly and to keep these base-housing wall-to-wall carpets status quo  - how I miss our Arlington hardwood floors!

Tomorrow morning's hospital admission might be at the height of the storm so we will play it by ear.  Perhaps the prophecies of "high-winds and 10" of rain" will be unfounded and a trip to Richmond along tree-lined 64 will be a no-brainer.  If the forecasted doom does come to pass, I'll phone in the morning and see if we can postpone my arrival for one day.  In the vast scheme of this cancer journey, one day will not be a gamechanger.

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