Friday, October 12, 2012

Overview of Potential Clinical Trial

Ah, the internet is a beautiful tool.  Search and you may find.

This clinical trial was mentioned by my BMT coordinator as an option if / when a full donor match does not come through.  I believe I should meet the eligibility criteria.

Double Cord Versus Haploidentical (Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network #1101)

Trial Description  Summary:  "Hematopoietic cell transplants (HCT) are one treatment option for people with leukemia or lymphoma. Family members,unrelated donors or banked umbilical cordblood units with similar tissue type can be used for HCT. This study will compare the effectiveness of two new types of bone marrow transplants in people with leukemia or lymphoma: one that uses bone marrow donated from family members with only partially matched bone marrow; and, one that uses two partially matched cord blood units."


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