Thursday, October 4, 2012

Closets and Coursera (+ a Return to our River Walks)

Thursday - October 4, 2012

Found and tossed....  Like a CV on floppy disks!
Another protective, hunker-down, homebound day.  I am taking advantage of my energy and degree of physical prowess by cleaning out closets and filling Goodwill, recycling, and trash bags.  Perhaps it's a bit of a purge ....

I am also totally enjoying my plunge into world history and filling in some considerable holes in my knowledge and understanding of South American events.  Thank goodness for Carolyn's discovery and suggestion of our history class on Coursera!  It is simply wonderful.


The creek on one side ...
... and the York River on the other.

Our perfect Williamsburg walks are back on the agenda!

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