Monday, October 29, 2012

An Even Dozen Hospitalizations (+ New Record for Starting Chemo)

Monday - October 29, 2012

At some points in this ongoing health odyssey, I am simply brought to a halt in utter disbelief.  What the hell is going on?  How did I ever go from blissful-and-busy in a long-wished-for classroom and completely content, enjoying life with my fabulous children and amazing spouse to ... migraine-addled, double-vision wreck to ...  full-time stage 4 cancer patient?....  Ten months has brought momentous change.  I can't say that I am complaining exactly and I am certainly not at all feeling blue but ...  there are days where I am just completely and fully surprised.  Wow.  What a change.

Today is one of those days.  I have checked in for my 12th hospitalization since May 2.  12 hospital stays in 6 months.  I really truly can't believe it.  It must sound ridiculous but I have always been a healthy person!  Until recently, of course  :)

The entire hospitalization process is now completely routine and comfortable.  I know the people here on the Oncology Floor, I am familiar with the room layout and ask for gaps to be filled in as necessary (today we were short a chair), can unpack and settle myself quickly (Megan's blanket on the bed, Jonathan's crossword book at the ready, Casey's Mr. Cow and my blood products on the windowsill), and can then take a moment to appreciate my invariably stimulating view.

Mr. Cow & blood products, Confederate Museum in background
This stay I am once again situated in a room looking west with much to entertain and distract.  The entrance to the Museum of the Confederacy offers tantalizing people viewing.  The trees outside my window are  - so far - resisting Sandy's fierce winds and pounding rains and hanging on to their last remnants of leaves.  Ambulances are idling on the street while the EMTs run in for carbs and caffeine.  AND, I can scout prime street parking spots for Joe.

Hospitals are an effective venue for nurturing patience and keeping oneself busy.  My chemo orders are in, my port is accessed, and I am ready and raring to go.  Just waiting for the high-dose methotrexate to come up from the pharmacy!  It's a good time to watch a Coursera video lecture or to empathize with the folks outside my window battling umbrellas in these hurricane gusts....  Either way, I'm ready for chemo, ready to push back any lymphoma lurking in my central nervous system.


And chemo was started at 12:50!  A new record!  4 hours to infuse 9 grams of methotrexate.  What's that, you ask?  Wasn't it 6.4 grams last time?  Why, yes it was!  During Friday's oncology consultation, Joe and I asked for the dosage to be cranked up as high as possible.  I am weathering chemo extremely well so ... eradicate the cancer.  Kill the beast.  Leave nothing on the table.  Ask and you might receive (a higher dose of cancer-killing poison) ....  And per John Venezia's recent posting, it's time to start rooting for my kidneys to do their due diligence and purge this poison from my body asap (or at least by Thursday afternoon).

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