Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Splendid Sunday (with some sewing fun)

Sunday - October 14, 2012

"Sun drunk" on the deck
What a picture-perfect autumn Sunday!  Joseph and I are taking full advantage.  We've already enjoyed a walk with the hounds down to the York River and have now thrown open all the windows and opened the doors to let in this brilliant sunshine and the phenomenal breeze.  Perfect.

I'm also excited that my energy, alertness, and focus are such that I was able to resume my Sunday baking routine.  My weekly home-baked care packages for Megan and Jonathan have been on sabbatical since mid-spring when the migraines and vision issues became too acute to do anything but lesson plan and cradle my head in hopes of relief.  Six years of tradition felled by lymphoma ... but now I'm back in the kitchen prepping some treats for my hard-working, treat-deprived (?)  college students!  Baking for (and with) my babes has always been a highlight.  I feel splendid!


I am utterly content fixing / refining a Snow White dress originally made for Megan's senior year spirit week celebration in 2005.  Finishing seams, resetting the zipper, trimming edges - very satisfying.  Packing it up for her Halloween celebration this year in Davis, CA.


Kim said...

Hi Chris,

You put me to shame. WEEKLY home-baked care packages? Oy.

Love you,

Unknown said...

Oh, I was like CLOCKWORK for years and years. Then I fell off during to a few times a month during grad school and as I started teaching. Wouldn't it be heartening to get back into my old rhythm? Something to aim for now that I seem to be rediscovering my old pre-December stamina and health!