Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Quick Visit to Matoaka

Thursday - June 14, 2012

A new treasure from Team 101!
I am oh-so-very-happy to have managed a brief drop-in to my classroom this morning!  It was terrific to see my colleagues and - of course - my students :)   Perhaps it's their haircuts or clothing but I do believe that some of these lovely first graders might have indeed sprouted up a little bit in the last 6 weeks!  I particularly wanted to go back to thank them for the kindness they had showed me during my months of pain and illness.  Yes, much curriculum focus is obviously on reading and mathematics skills but these wonderful children showed such kindness and flexibility when interacting with a patched-eye, headache-riven teacher.  They were invariably sweet and accepting, not making me feel even more odd as I covered my eye to read during group or escort them down halls.  This end-of-year is certainly not what I had anticipated.  Yet I am so grateful for an amazing substitute who never made me feel that I had left her in the lurch, a first grade team who pitched in and let me step out the door seamlessly, an admin staff that was invariably supportive, and a community of parents and students who have been a continual source of nurturing and delight.  Matoaka has been a warm and stable place for me these last two years; here's hoping I will be able to work there post-San Francisco!

1 comment:

Kim said...

What an adorable momento! Hope you thoroughly enjoyed your visit and weren't too tuckered out!