Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh, those stairs!

Wednesday - June 13, 2012

Having definitely woken up to a refreshed sense of energy, I overdid it a bit and am now ratcheting it back down....  Oh, I was so excited to feel a surge of physical prowess, had enjoyed a lovely phone call that grounded me once more in a world beyond cancer, and then walked straight up the stairs to get dressed.  Oops!  Straight up the stairs is not something I can manage right now.  Silly me!  I ended up so winded that I was concerned I might faint.  Back to the couch with lots of water and an attempt to stabilize my breathing and pulse.  Carolyn phoned into my nurse at Dalton and we talked about possibilities and remedies.  My nurse actually asked:  "And how far are you from the hospital?"  "Too far!" I replied as I promised to sit and be still and to let everything settle down.... 

I am indulging myself in some happy classroom activities, prepping some items for my wonderful oh-so-missed students!  They are truly a remarkable group!  How lucky I am to have met them and to have had so many good moments together.  I am dazed and surprised that my health has not allowed me to get back to them BUT come hell or high water (or fatigue and being winded) I am visiting this week!

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