Friday, June 1, 2012

"A Day where Nothing Medical Happened" ...

Friday - June 1, 2012

Well, it's a little late but a relief nonetheless
... Megan described today to a tee.  No to IVs, tubes, and vitals.  Yes to children, hounds, fresh air, and chores.  Happily, the mouth sores have lessened and the ear pain (but not the pressure) is gone thus allowing a much more functional day.  Fatigue remains an undercurrent yet I managed to get to some pressing business - paying bills and sorting through a mountain of papers.  For a family that has been successful in culling our snail mail to a trickle, a major medical situation has opened the floodgates - wow!  Of course, both the hospital and the insurance company are fully documenting everything so organizing and cross referencing it all was a great cognitive workout. 

Heavy storms in the late afternoon provided the perfect excuse for some at-home quiet R&R with Megan and Jonathan.  A quiet, restful, healing day.

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