Monday, June 11, 2012

The Importance of Hydration

Monday - June 11, 2012

So, Carolyn was definitely right; I have not been drinking enough.  We did in fact make it up to Richmond and were first in line for Dalton's doors' opening at 8 am.  BUT our best laid plans to get my Neulasta shot and slip away back home were put on hold because ... I have not been drinking enough water.  Ugh.  My vitals indicated I needed more hydration, I was whisked back to the infusion room, and I had one hour of saline (while I napped).  Poor Carolyn had to twiddle her thumbs while I docked us an extra hour at the hospital.  Yikes! I am more than a little annoyed with myself.  Lesson learned.

Still feeling incredibly weak - physically.  Walking and climbing the stairs are an unexpected ordeal and I am still trying to wrap my head around this new norm.

And as posted yesterday on Facebook, I took the bull by the horns and chopped off my hair last night.  Carolyn finished the job with a shaver.  Happy to say, the chemo is doing what it is supposed to be doing and I have full scalp patches on my head. There is still some fuzz but it should be gone soon.  I suppose the biggest shock is the difference in my coloring.  Going from darker hair to a white scalp is a change!


Sally came up from Virginia Beach and prepared us a yummy Pad Thai dinner!  My taste buds seem to be responsive to strong tastes so it was a welcome and delicious meal.  Before collapsing for the evening, I enjoyed time with my sisters featured by some amazing photos Sally had found of our family's early years on Lincoln Lane and Dad's post-college years.  A very good way to end a fatiguing day.

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