Saturday, June 30, 2012

[CHIME] "It's 4 a.m. Do you know where this writer is?"

Saturday - June 30, 2012

Why, here I am! Downstairs!  Wide awake  Alert  Roused from refreshing slumber Semi-vertical after 3.5 hours sleep, enthroned on my customary left side of the couch, with 3 different screens to occupy my scattered mind (because really folks I have still not adjusted to this new abbreviated sleep schedule).  Laptop with internet and NPR audio, iPad with NYT crosswords app, HDTV broadcasting SportsCenter (because Jonathan is snoring away on the remote).... I am ALL tricked out.  Wouldn't it be glorious if my mind would settle and focus enough for me to read off a page rather than a screen?  Somehow, it's not happening.  Another medical mystery!

I am so tremendously relaxed to watch the sky lighten at home rather than in Richmond!  Taking stock of my chemo-absorbing body after cycle #3, I remain free of mouth sores, have some physical prowess in terms of standing and moving across rooms (impressive, I know!), and continue to have escaped any nausea and vomiting.  Today I plan to rest, rest, rest and to try to sneak a nap (or two) if the opportunity arises.  Our full house will empty out for a while as the Alzamoras and Conklins all head southeast to Hampton Roads to visit battleships, go on a beach outing, or visit my mother in the ICU.  Jonathan will also depart today for a month of work as an Orientation Leader at Virginia Tech.  That will just leave Joe, myself, and the hounds here at the house!  We will be going from boom to bust.  I definitely sense a long couch slumber on the horizon!

I also hope to be able to walk the dogs around our neighborhood.  Last night for the first time in 3 weeks,  I was able to walk a full circuit around the circle that fronts our house.  Joseph, Jonathan, and I headed out with the hounds in advance of an approaching line of thunderstorms and I made it (slowly) all the way.  This final walk of the evening has always been my favorite.  I love the anonymity afforded by the darkness and the changing skyscape of stars and moon.  Having greatly missed the peace and centering of these walks, I am so happy that my strength has recovered enough for me to get outside, feel the air, and absorb the beauty of the sky.  Another walk tonight?  That's the goal.

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